Attributeerror: list object has no attribute lower ( Solved )

A list is used to store multiple variables in a single variable. If you are using the lower() function on the list of strings, you may encounter the error Attributeerror: list object has no attribute lower. In this example, you will learn how to solve this issue and how to convert the list of strings to lowercase.

Attributeerror: list object has no attribute lower: Root cause

The root cause of this error is that you are using the lower() function on the wrong object. You are applying this function on the list which is wrong. Let’s apply the lower() function on the list of strings.

You will get the Attributeerror: list object has no attribute lower after running the below lines of code.

list_strings = ["ABC","GHI","JKL","DEF"]


AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'lower'

The solution of the list object has no attribute lower error

The simple solution to solve this error is that you must use the lower() function on the strings on the list. For example, If I use the lower() function on the below string it will convert all its characters to lowercase.

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If you want to change all the string elements of the list then you have to iterate the list. Execute the below lines of code to convert the elements of the string to lowercase.

list_strings = ["ABC","GHI","JKL","DEF"]
lowercase_list = [e.lower() for e in list_strings]

In the above code, I used list comprehension to iterate the list of strings. Also, you are not getting the Attributeerror: list object has no attribute lower error.


['abc', 'ghi', 'jkl', 'def']

AttributeError 'list' object has no attribute 'lower'


The lower() function works on the string data type. If you are invoking on the list then you will get the attributeError on it. To solve the issue you have to iteration on the list and convert each string value to lowercase. In this tutorial, we have written the same solution. Hope this post has solved the error.

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