AttributeError: list’ object has no attribute ‘split’ ( Solved )

A list is a data structure that allows you to store multiple values in a single variable. You can add, delete or modify elements as it is a mutable data structure. If you are getting the AttributeError: list’ object has no attribute ‘split’ then in this tutorial you will know the cause and how to solve this error.

What cause AttributeError: list’ object has no attribute ‘split’  Error

The main cause for getting this split error is that you may not be properly using the split() function.

If you use the dir(list) function then you will see that there are no functions split() for the list data structure.

Let’s know why you are getting this error.

If you will run the following lines of code then you must get the list’ object has no attribute ‘split’  Error.

my_list = ["abc","def","ghi"]


list object has not attribute split error
list object has not attribute split error

You want to split the list elements separately but the process or code is wrong. In the next section, you will learn how to solve this AttributeError.

Solution for list’ object has no attribute ‘split’  Error

The solution for this error is that do not to use the function split() with the list data-structure. The split() function only works with strings. You can use the append(), pop(), remove(), etc to manipulate the data.  You should clearly remember that lists and strings are different data structures and if you try to apply a list function on a string or string function on a list then you may encounter with error.

The correct way to use the split() function is below.

my_string = "abc,def,ghi"


Splitting string to substrings
Splitting string to substrings


The error list’ object has no attribute ‘split’ and only occurs when you try to use the split() function on a string. Before using this method make sure to verify what type of data structure you are using to avoid any error.

The above method will solve your error.

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