How to check Numpy Version ( Jupyter, Colab, Terminal, Anaconda, Pycharm)

Numpy is a popular programming language used for data science projects. Knowing the version of Numpy you have installed is important for any data scientist who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest tools and libraries.
In this article, we’ll look at five different ways to check your Numpy version in Jupyter, Colab, Terminal, Anaconda, and Pycharm. Let’s start.

How to check the Numpy version on different platforms

Jupyter Notebook

If you are using Jupyter Notebook, you can quickly find out the version of Numpy installed in your system by typing the following command in a cell and pressing shift + enter to execute the cell.

import numpy

This will give out the version of Numpy you have installed, as well as the version of the Python interpreter.


If you are using Google’s Colab environment, you can determine your Numpy version by typing the following command in a cell and pressing shift + enter.

!pip show numpy

This should output the version of Numpy installed, together with other info about the package.

checking numpy version in colab
checking numpy version in colab


If you are using a Linux or Mac terminal, you can easily find out the version of Numpy installed by inputting the following command:

pip show numpy

This should give out the version of Numpy you have installed and other information about the package.

checking numpy version in terminal
checking numpy version in terminal


If you’re using the Anaconda platform, then you can check your Numpy version by typing the following command in the terminal

conda list numpy

This should also output the version of Numpy and other relevant information about the package.


For those using the Pycharm IDE, the version of Numpy can be checked by navigating to File > Settings > Project > Interpreter and selecting the Packages tab.
Here, the installed version of Numpy should be displayed.


Regardless of which platform you’re using, staying up-to-date with the latest version of Numpy is important for data science projects. Knowing how to check the version of Numpy you have installed is a key skill for any data scientist. In this tutorial, you have learned how to check the numpy version on different platforms like Jupyter, Colab, Terminal, Anaconda, and Pycharm.

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