Remove a specific Word from the List of Strings in Python : 4 Methods

Python is a popular python programming language. In fact, Using it you can manipulate the list of strings easily. In this article, we will know all the methods on how to remove a specific word from a list of strings in Python.

Methods to remove a string or word from the list of strings

Method 1: Remove a specific word using list comprehension

Creating a new list in Python can be done quickly and effectively through list comprehension. It is done by applying a certain operation or manipulation to each element in an existing iterable object for example a list or tuple.

sample_string= ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
word_to_remove = "c"
final_list = [w for w in sample_string if w!= word_to_remove]
print(final_list )


["a", "b", "d"]

Method 2: filter() function

The second method is the use of the filter() function. The filter() function allows you to extract elements from a data structure like a list, tuple, etc. based on certain criteria or conditions. This function takes two arguments, one is a function and the other is an iterable object like a list. Those elements from the iterable for which the function returns True  included in the output.

sample_string= ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
word_to_remove = "c"
final_list = list(filter(lambda x: x != word_to_remove, sample_string))
print(final_list )


["a", "b", "d"]

Method 3: Using the remove() method

In Python, the remove() function is an inbuilt function or part of the language. Its use is to remove an element from a list. In addition, This method requires one argument, the element that you want to delete. However, If the element is not in the list, then a ValueError error occurs.

sample_string= ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
word_to_remove = "c"


["a", "b", "d"]

Method 4: Using the del function

The del command in Python allows you to delete an item or slice from a list, a variable, or an object. In addition, it can also eliminate an element from a dictionary or a set.

sample_string= ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
word_to_remove = "c"
del sample_string[sample_string.index(word_to_remove)]


["a", "b", "d"]


Sometimes it is better to remove some specific string from the list of strings. These are the methods to remove the string from the list of strings. All these methods are easy and efficient ways to remove elements from the list of strings.

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