Modulenotfounderror: No Module named cryptodome ( Solved )

PyCryptodome is a python module for low-level cryptographic primitives. It allows you to use Symmetric ciphers,  Authenticated Encryption, Stream ciphers e.t.c. If you are getting the error modulenotfounderror: no module named cryptodome then this entire post is for you. In this post, you will learn how to solve the modulenotfounderror: no module named cryptodome error easily.

What is modulenotfounderror ?

The modulenotfounderror is an error that mainly comes when you have not installed the module or the module has not been installed properly. To remove the error you have to check whether is installed or not. Also, you have to check the path of python for your system.

The root cause for the error modulenotfounderror: no module named cryptodome

The main or root cause for the modulenotfounderror: no module named cryptodome is that you have not installed the python PyCryptodome package. When you try to use the below line of code then you will get the no module named Crypto error.

from Crypto.Cipher import AES


No module named crypto
No module named crypto

Now if you will use the above line of code in the terminal or command prompt also then you will get the no module named Crypto error. It clearly states that you have not installed the PyCryptodome package in your system.

No module named crypto in terminal
No module named crypto in terminal

Solution for the modulenotfounderror: no module named cryptodome

The solution for the error no module named cryptodome is very simple. You have to install the PyCrptodome package in your system. But before that, you have to check the version of the python installed in your system.

Use the below command to check the version of the python.

python --version
Checking the Python version
Checking the Python version

If your python version is 3. xx then use the pip3 command and if the version is python 2. xx then use the pip command.

My OS has python 3. xx version. Therefore I will use the pip3 command.

Run the below command to install the PyCryptodome package.

pip3 install pycryptodome

After the installation, you will not get the any module named cryptodome error.


PyCryptodome allows you to use cryptography or encryption in many ways. For this, it has many modules like AES, get_random_bytes e.t.c. If you are getting the error then the above method will solve the error for no module named cryptodome.

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