list’ object has no attribute ‘keys’ ( Solved )

The list is a data structure that allows you to store multiple variables or objects in a single variable. You can get many Python exception errors while using the list. The error list’ object has no attribute ‘keys’ is one of them. In this tutorial, you will know how to solve the error.

List vs Dictionary

Before going to the error and solution part let’s understand the difference between a list and a dictionary. In Python, a list is an ordered collection of items enclosed in square brackets ([]). Lists are mutable. It means you can change their elements. On the other hand, a dictionary is an unordered collection of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces ({}) or created using the dict() constructor. Dictionaries are also mutable.

Causes of list’ object has no attribute ‘keys’

The error message “‘list’ object has no attribute ‘keys'” typically occurs when you try to access the ‘keys’ attribute on a list object. The ‘keys’ attribute is specific to dictionaries and does not exist for lists. Hence, Python throws an AttributeError when you try to access it.

Let us know all the Common Causes of the Error.

Cause 1: Incorrect Variable Assignment

One common cause of this error is that you are mistakenly assigning a list to a variable name that you intended to use for a dictionary. For example:

data = ['A', 'B', 'C']


list' object has no attribute 'keys'


You should double-check your variable assignments and ensure that you are using the correct data type.

Cause 2: Confusion between List and Dictionary

Sometimes, due to confusion, you might be trying to access the ‘keys’ attribute on a list instead of a dictionary. For example

name= ['code', 'the', 'best']


list' object has no attribute 'keys'


To solve this error you should make sure that you are operating on the correct data type. If you need to use the ‘keys’ attribute, ensure that you are working with a dictionary.

Other Solutions to Resolve the Error

Now lets explore the other solution to resolve this error.

Solution 1: Review Variable Assignments

Check all your variable assignments and verify that you are assigning a list to a list variable and a dictionary to a dictionary variable. Correct any incorrect assignments.

Solution 2: Verify Data Types

Before using the ‘keys’ attribute, double-check the data type of the variable you are working with. If it is a list, remember that lists do not have a ‘keys’ attribute. If it is a dictionary, you can safely use the ‘keys’ attribute.

Solution 3: Use the Correct Syntax

Ensure that you are using the correct syntax when accessing the ‘keys’ attribute. The correct syntax for accessing the keys of a dictionary is dictionary_variable.keys(). If you mistakenly use this syntax on a list, Python will raise the error.

my_dict = {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2, 'key3': 3, 'key4': 4, 'key5': 5}


dict_keys(['key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'key4', 'key5'])

Solution 4: Debugging

If you are still unable to resolve the error, try debugging your code. Print out the variable values and check if they match your expectations. Look for any inconsistencies or incorrect assumptions.


You are getting the list’ object has no attribute ‘keys’ as you are using the dot operator on the list not on the dictionary. You have to use the dot on dictionaries like your_dict.key(). The above are various ways to solve the error. You should also make sure that check the data type of the variable you are using before using the .keys() on it.

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