Modulenotfounderror: no module named pip_autoremove ( Solved )

ModuleNotFoundError is an error you get when a specific module is not installed in the system. The Modulenotfounderror: no module named pip_autoremove is one of the errors you will get when the Python interpreter is unable to find the module. In this tutorial, you will learn how to solve the no module named pip_autoremove error through steps.

What is the pip_autoremove?

The pip_autoremove module is a third-party package that allows you to remove unused Python packages and their dependencies. It is not included in the standard library of Python and needs to be installed separately.

What is the cause of Modulenotfounderror: no module named pip_autoremove?

You are getting the error due to several reasons. Here are a few common causes.

Cause 1: Missing Installation

If you haven’t installed the pip_autoremove module, Python will not be able to find it and will raise the Modulenotfounderror.

Cause 2: Incorrect Module Name

Make sure you are using the correct module name when importing it into your code. A typo or misspelling can lead to the Modulenotfounderror.

Cause 3: Virtual Environments

If you are working within a virtual environment, ensure that you have installed the pip_autoremove module inside that specific environment. Virtual environments provide isolated Python environments, and packages need to be installed within the virtual environment to be accessible.

Solving the no module named pip_autoremove Error

Now you have already known why you were getting the error let us know all the steps you will take to solve this error.

Step 1: Check Module Installation

First, verify whether the pip_autoremove module is installed on your system or not. Open your command prompt or terminal and type the following command.

pip show pip_autoremove

If the module is installed, you will see the details including the version number. If it’s not installed, move on to the next step.

Step 2: Install the Module

To install the pip_autoremove module, use the following command.

pip install pip-autoremove # For python 2.xx
pip3 install pip-autoremove # For python 3.xx

This command will download and install the latest version of the module from the Python Package Index (PyPI). Once the installation is complete, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Verify the Installation

After installing the module, verify that it is installed correctly. Use the same command as in Step 1:

pip show pip_autoremove

This time, you should see the module details, indicating a successful installation.

Step 4: Check for Typos or Misspellings

If you are still encountering the error after installing the module, double-check the module name in your code. You should make sure that there are no typos or misspellings. Python is case-sensitive, so make sure the module name is exactly as it should be.

Step 5: Virtual Environment Considerations

If you are working within a virtual environment, activate it before installing the pip_autoremove module. Use the command specific to your virtual environment tool (e.g., virtualenv, conda) to activate the environment. Then, follow Steps 2 and 3 to install and verify the module within the virtual environment.


The Modulenotfounderror: No module named pip_autoremove error can be frustrating for the coder who does not know how to solve this error. The above are the steps you must follow to solve the error. Even if you are unable to solve the error then please search over the internet for more solutions.

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