No Module Named pip in Python ( Solved)

Python is a powerful and mostly used programming language among developers. However, like any software, Python can run into errors and issues that can frustrate developers. One standard error that many Python users encounter is the “No Module Named Pip” error. In this tutorial, you will know all the causes of this error and provide you with step-by-step solutions to fix it.

Understanding the “No Module Named Pip” Error:

Pip is the default package manager for Python. It allows developers to install, manage, and uninstall packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI). When you encounter the “No Module Named Pip” error, it means that Python cannot find or import the pip module, preventing you from using this essential tool.

Causes of the No Module Named Pip Python Error

Cause 1: Python installation without pip

Pip usually comes pre-installed with Python. But in some cases, it may not be included during installation. This can happen when using an outdated Python version or a custom Python distribution.

Cause 2: Pip not added to the system PATH

The system PATH is an environment variable that tells your operating system where to find executable files. If pip is not added to the PATH, Python cannot locate it, that results in the “No Module Named Pip” error.

Cause 3: Corrupted or missing pip installation

If the pip module files are corrupted or missing from your Python installation, and you are trying to import pip will result in the error.

Solutions to Resolve the No Module Named pip Error

Solution 1: Install pip

The simplest solution is to install the pip manually. Visit the official Python website and download the latest version of Python. During the installation process, make sure to check the box that says “Add Python to PATH” to ensure pip is added to the system PATH.

Solution 2: Add pip to the system PATH

Use the below steps to add pip to the system path
Step 1: Open the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac/Linux).
Step 2: Type “python -m site –user-site” and press Enter to locate the site-packages directory.
Step 3: Copy the path to the site-packages directory.
Step 4: Open the environment variables settings on your operating system.
Step 5: Add the copied path to the PATH variable.
Step 6: Restart your command prompt or terminal for the changes to take effect.

python -m site --user-site

Solution 2: Reinstall Python

Follow the below steps to reinstall the python in your system.
Step 1: Uninstall Python from your system.
Step 2: Download the latest version of Python from the official website.
Step 3: Install Python and check “Add Python to PATH.”
Step 4: Verify that pip works correctly by running “python -m pip –version” in the command prompt or terminal.

Solution 3: Verify pip installation files.

Step 1: Open the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac/Linux).
Step 2: Type “python -m pip –version” and press Enter.
Step 3: If you see an error message, reinstall pip using the “python -m ensurepip” command.
Step 4 If the issue persists, consider updating or reinstalling Python.

python -m pip --version


You may get the “No Module Named Pip” error and it can be a frustrating experience for Python developers. However, by following the solutions mentioned above, you can quickly resolve the issue and get back to coding seamlessly.

Remember always to keep your Python installation up-to-date and use virtual environments to manage your Python projects effectively. Happy coding!

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